What is a Public Adjuster?
A public adjuster is a professional claims handler or claims adjuster who advocates for the policyholder in appraising and negotiating an insurance claim. State licensed public adjusters can legally represent during an insurance claim process. Their technical expertise and ability to interpret sometimes obtuse insurance policies allow property owners to receive the maximum amount for their claims. Public adjusters do substantially increase the settlement value of the loss. Many people choose public adjuster representation to guide them through the process and minimize the time which must be spent to perfect their claim. Primarily public adjusters prepare detailed scope and cost estimates using experts in the fields of remediation, toxicology, and construction engineers to prove their loss. Public adjusters also provide insurance policy interpretation to determine covered and uncovered items and to negotiate with insurance to a settlement.
Who is a Public Adjuster?
“Public Adjuster” means any person, partnership, association, limited liability company or corporation who or which on behalf of an insured or claimant and for monetary or other compensation or anything of value, prepares, documents and submits a first-party property claim to an insurance company for loss or damage by a covered peril under a personal or commercial risk insurance policy, as issued by such company, or negotiates, adjusts or effects the settlement of such claim.
What's the difference between an insurance adjuster and public adjuster?
There are two types of adjusters. One is the insurance adjuster and the other is the public adjuster. What’s the difference? The insurance adjuster works for the insurance company and the public adjuster works for you, looking out for your best interest. The state recognizes that you are entitled to equal representation by retaining the services of a public adjuster, who represents you in the claims process. In the end, you are assured a fair settlement. We hold the insurance companies accountable to providing you with all the coverages in your policy.
How do I know if I need a public adjusters service?
In nearly every claim we re-inspected, the payment for damages is insufficient. Our service alone and aside from the underpayment saves you countless hours of time meeting the company adjusters and their experts, chasing contractors for their repair estimates, and studying the policy for coverages.
What are the charges from my public adjuster?
Our fees are governed by the state and are only a small fraction of the claim. We do not charge any up-front cost and only get paid for the work we do for you once employed. Legally we cannot charge you for any payments received prior to our employment. Typically, we more than double the insurance company’s initial offer and sometimes much higher, making our service well worth the costs and paying for itself.
What if I received a check and or the insurance company stops returning my calls?
By law the insurance company must correspond within 14-days of your calls or emails. If you already received a check(s) for settlement, your policy allows you to continue negotiation as long as you have the damages and documentation to prove it. More often than not our services are pursued when you disagree with their offer for settlement but is usually best when we are involved from the date of loss.
Will my policy be cancelled and or my rates increased if I use a public adjuster?
The short answer is not for that reason alone. The underwriting department however can non-renew your policy for any reason but can and will only cancel your policy for non-payment or some other fraudulent reason. Also, your premiums will not increase from your claim unless it is done geographically.
How can I be paid for all my damages and not feel like I’m taking advantage of my insurance company?
The answer is quite simple. Whatever the insurance company ends up paying on your claim is because someone on their team agreed to your public adjuster or appraiser’s figure. Our claim or estimate initially is usually much higher than theirs because a public adjuster has an interest on your claim along with more time to find and document damages. Experience and allegiance also plays a large part in the entire process of which is why you’re better off with an experienced public adjuster working for you than going it alone.